
Live stock classes are an industry standard approach to categorising classes for livestock judging competitions.

Stock Judge uses these classes to help categorise competitions and also intelligently determines the placings and calculators that should be used for a competition.

Each class consists of a class name, description, type and the placings. There are currently 3 different types of classes in Stock Judge.


Fours uses a 4 letter classification for Livestock competitions. i.e A-B-X-Y. These classes will use the Fours placings and calculator. By default the letters are primarily the same for each class but in the future users will be able to modify these and use their own lettering.

US Fours

US Fours uses a 4 number classification used mainly in the USA for Livestock competitions. i.e 1-2-3-4. These classes will use the Fours placings and calculator. By default the numbers are primarily the same for each class but in the future users will be able to modify these and use their own lettering.


Sixes uses a 6 letter classification for Dairy competitions. for example X-A-Z-B-Y-C.These classes will use the Six placings and calculator. By default the letters are primarily the same for each class but in the future users will be able to modify these and use their own lettering.

Class Names

Stock Judge has been setup with 60 named livestock classes and 8 Dairy Cattle classes. For livestock the classes are replicated across the Fours and US Fours class types, whereas the Dairy Classes are unique. In the initial version of Stock Judge these classes are not editable by the users, but we can add new classes on request and we do have a feature on our roadmap to allow users to create their own classes.

If you would like to know more about classes please contact our support at